How Technology Is Shaping Learning In Higher Education

Mr. Devey said this as he believed yesterday’s education is no longer effective for tomorrow’s students and in view. The role of teacher must change in order to adapt to the requirements and fulfil the needs of today’s culture.
“If we teach today’s students as we taught yesterdays, we rob them of tomorrow” – John Devey.
Technology like in every other field is revolutionising education as well, especially higher education.
Affordability Enhances Reach and Engagement:
World renowned Colleges and Universities are offering online courses be it Undergraduate,Postgraduate. Even Doctorates to students at rates that are very affordable when compared to their on campus counterparts. This has resulted in people from humble financial backgrounds to get education. In the fields of their choice without taking up massive loans and then fall into a debt trap.
For instance the Georgia Tech courses at the Georgia Institute of Technology
Offers Tech courses with the same credibility as a master’s programme in computer science.
And the tuition is $6,600 which is nowhere near the $46,000 out-of-state tuition for an on-campus degree. Which on adding other expenses such as rent, travel and food would very – well add up to $60,000.
Hence low tuition costs and flexible design have made it accessible to students who would not have been able to earn an on-campus degree.
Online Learning Flexibility
A huge chunk of students pursuing higher education. Especially Master’s and doctorates have more responsibilities than just academics to cater to. Many students are employees or parents and sometimes both. They might have strict work schedules or children who require supervision and often can’t make the time for the offline course.
Here is when Online Learning comes to the rescue. Due to its flexible nature, it becomes easier to plan and manage study time along with other commitments without missing out on anything. Lectures can be attended whenever one can find the time may it be night or day that too with the comfort of being at your home or any other place you desire. All one needs is an Internet connection and a mobile device.
Learn from home is quickly becoming a preferred choice around the globe among working professionals and the boom of the ed-tech industry is in testimony to this.
Extensive Usage Of AR & VR
Gone are the days of the Board and Chalk/Marker, with the onset of AR and VR students can now not only see but experience their fields of study.
Augmented reality and Virtual reality both the technologies are capable of enhancing or replacing a real-life environment with a simulated environment.
- Augmented reality (AR) augments your surroundings by the addition of digital elements to a live view, generally by using the camera on a smartphone.
- Virtual reality (VR) is a completely immersive and involving experience that replaces a real-life environment with a simulated one.
Assistive technologies such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) enable teachers to provide education of particular subjects by sending students AR- and VR-enabled devices and explaining them various topics belonging to their respective courses. This feature was used extensively during the pandemic.
The successful application of augmented reality(AR) and virtual reality (VR) permitted. Institutes to indulge in extensive research and analysis of Functioning of complex objects like Engines, Crankshafts,Heavy Machineries. Most of all The Human Body with their online students which was not possible earlier.
Usage Of Data Analytics
If the modern day computer systems are the vehicles to growth and development then data is the fuel which powers it. Data is every statistic the institute possesses either its about their student or staff . It is versatile in nature as it covers all the things from grades. In assignments to attendance in lectures to salaries of employees to miscellaneous expenses to demographics like age and ethnicity to resource allocation.
Data Analytics helps in utilisation of the available data with a better approach. Data Analytics can be used to help struggling students . We Know if a student fails their exams. It can lead to repeating a whole semester or subject for that student this can be prevented by sharing learning. Analytics among the teaching staff throughout the term and focussing on weak topics. Even subjects of that particular student.This way a problem can be avoided even before it surfaces .
Data Analytics makes way for a Data Driven Culture. All the decisions regarding issues of paramount importance can be backed up by Numbers and Statistics. Rather than relying on presumptions or blind faith , which will ultimately lead to more successful results.
Data Analytics tools make it easier to find information as the data is stored in one place. In an organized manner which eliminates searching through tons of files or folders.
Final Thoughts
We know that the only thing that stands permanent is change and to survive the test of time adaptability is vital. It can’t be commented on how long the transformation journey of education will be. When it will be available to even the farthest of terrains. But it can be concluded especially from the trends shown during the pandemic. Along with the recent technical innovations, w are indeed on the right path. Should you have a challenge or have a project in mind do reach out to us at or contact us and we shall align the best of our resources to discuss your needs.