Wholesale Building Materials

Biiibo’s Lightening-Fast Deliveries via Korecent’s Digital Transformation Solutions  

About Biiibo

Biiibo, is a Toronto-based online marketplace for construction materials that gets them to contractors in a flash: two hours or less. Their speedy deliveries are perfect for tackling project emergencies.


The Challenge - The Broken Road

Biiibo's core challenge was meeting their ambitious two-hour delivery window. This required streamlining operations such as loading, unloading, stacking, and packaging within a tight timeframe. Further complicating matters was the unpredictable availability of materials. Without readily available stock at the warehouse, Biiibo needed a system to accurately forecast material needs and ensure they were on hand when orders came in.


The Solution - Building the Road

KoreCent provided a comprehensive end-to-end solution that addressed Biiibo's challenges head-on. This system managed the entire delivery process, from order placement to final delivery.

Here's a breakdown of the key features:

  1. Mobile App (m-commerce): Customers can easily place orders, track deliveries, and receive real-time order status updates through a user-friendly mobile application.
  2. Process Automation: The system automates back-end processes, maintaining accurate records across functions: accounts, orders, distribution, employee data, payroll, and more. This reduced the scope and errors and improved efficiency ensuring smooth business operations.
  3. Business Forecasting: An advanced material forecasting feature analyzes data to predict demand accurately. This allowed Biiibo to maintain optimal stock levels and helped reduce waste and scrap.


The Achievements - An Expressway of Delivery

Biiibo's implementation of the KoreCent solution resulted in significant improvements across various aspects of their business:

Increased Cost Saving & Waste Reduction: Accurate material forecasting optimised material ordering stocking by 30%, leading to a reduction in material waste by 18% and increased cost savings of $5 million annually.

Enhanced Customer Experience: The mobile app platform and its convenient UI helped customers to:

  1. Place orders easily: There was a 20% increase in mobile app orders compared to traditional methods.
  2. Track deliveries: Customer satisfaction with delivery tracking features reached a score of 9 out of 10.
  3. Stay informed about their orders: Order-related inquiries to the call center decreased by 25%.

Improved Operational Efficiency: Automation streamlined data intensive and error prone back-end processes, reducing manual intervention by 50% and optimising functional performance at all levels, leading to a 30% increase in overall processed orders per day.

Faster Deliveries: With the solutions deployed, Biiibo was able to uphold its two-hour delivery promise consistently, achieving a 98% on-time delivery rate.


Technologies and Tools

  1. Platform: ERPNext
  2. Framework: Frappe
  3. Language: Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Swift, Android
  4. Industry: Wholesale building materials


KoreCent's digital transformation empowered Biiibo to achieve its ambitious goal of delivering building materials within a two-hour window. The solution improved operational efficiency, enhanced customer experience and optimised cost savings. This case study exemplifies how technology revolutionized the building material supply chain in wide geography with remote area fulfillment.