Food and Beverage Manufacturing

Fogliasana’s Sustainable Hydroponic Produce, Made More Efficient

About Fogliasana

Fogliasana is a purpose-driven hydroponic farm dedicated to supplying local and international markets with fresh, clean leafy greens. Their commitment to sustainability is paramount, utilizing closed-loop greenhouse systems, minimizing water usage, and plant-based fertilizers..

Challenge: The battle between Sustainability & Growth

Fogliasana sought to enhance their operations while staying true to their core values. Key challenges included:

  1. Optimizing Efficiency and Productivity: Balancing efficient production with minimal environmental impact required a data-driven approach.
  2. Ensuring Produce Quality and Safety: Maintaining the highest quality and safety standards throughout the production cycle was crucial.
  3. Streamlining Operations and Reducing Waste: Minimizing errors and waste while fulfilling customer orders effectively was a priority.

The KoreCent Solution: Nature Calling for Sustainable and Scalable System

Through close collaboration, KoreCent designed a customized platform to address Fogliasana's needs and support their mission:

  1. Production Planning Module: Real-time data provided insights for optimizing resource allocation, production scheduling, and meeting customer demand.
  2. Inventory Management Module: Real-time tracking of raw materials (seeds, fertilizers) and finished products allowed for optimized purchasing and production processes, minimizing waste and unnecessary costs.
  3. Quality Control Module: Comprehensive tracking of environmental factors ensured optimal growing conditions. Issue and defect tracking facilitated corrective actions and maintained the highest quality and safety standards.
  4. Order Fulfillment Module: Automation of order management and invoice/shipping label generation. Integration with inventory and production modules ensured on-time deliveries and efficient order fulfilment.

Achievements: A Sustainable Success Story

The KoreCent platform empowered Fogliasana to achieve significant results:

  1. Increased Efficiency and Productivity: Data-driven insights and streamlined processes led to optimized operations, reduced waste, and boosted overall efficiency by 39%.
  2. Enhanced Quality and Safety: The quality control module ensured 99% consistency and safety of produce, while the order fulfillment increased to 98%.
  3. Improved Resource Management: Real-time inventory improved resource planning by 26%, saving 12% additional in purchasing and production and minimizing waste by 15%.
  4. Data-Driven Decision Making: Actionable insights empowered Fogliasana to make informed decisions, adapt to season demand, and prioritize sustainability. It increased revenue by 18% in the next year.

KoreCent’s strong platform transformed Fogliasana's operations. They now deliver high-quality, sustainable hydroponic vegetables year-round, all while minimizing their environmental impact.

Technologies and Tools

  1. Platform: ERPNext (Open-source Enterprise Resource Planning)
  2. Framework: Frappe (Full-stack web framework for ERPNext)
  3. Languages: Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript