Furniture and Home Furnishings Manufacturing

Furniture Bazaar (AUS) Nails POS Woes for a Customer Delight

About Furniture Bazaar

Furniture Bazaar, Western Australia's largest family-owned furniture and bedding specialist and alignins customer purchases with lifestyle trends. It has 6 superstores across Australia

Challenge: The Log of the POS line

Furniture Bazaar sought to elevate their customer experience by upgrading their Point-of-Sale (POS) system. Key objectives were:

  1. Transaction Speed: High checkout wait times and time consuming transactions for walk-in customers.
  2. Customer Experience: Providing a user-friendly and intuitive system for staff to efficiently serve customers.
  3. Streamlining Returns: Implementing a seamless process for handling product returns.
  4. Advanced Printing Capabilities: Enabling the creation of customized and informative print formats.
  5. Mobile-Friendly Interface: Equipping staff with a tablet-friendly GUI for greater operational flexibility.

The KoreCent Solution: Carving a system POS

KoreCent developed and implemented an ERP system for Furniture Bazaar:

  1. Customized POS System: This user-friendly system facilitated faster product searches, efficient transaction processing, and seamless return management.
  2. Tablet-Friendly GUI: Staff could utilize tablets for enhanced mobility and improved customer service interactions.
  3. Advanced Print Formats: The system offered the flexibility to create customized and informative printouts.
  4. Advanced Run Sheets: Dispatchers were equipped with redundant and lengthy delivery data. These run sheets included product details, customer information, and delivery schedules.

The Achievements: Feels like a Couch

The new POS system empowered Furniture Bazaar to achieve significant results:

  1. 45% Faster Transactions: Walk-in customers experienced significantly reduced checkout wait times. The transaction time reduced by 45% leading to an increase in repeat visits by 15%.
  2. Improved Customer Experience: User-friendly interfaces and efficient service enhanced overall customer satisfaction to 8.7% from 7.2% on the purchase experience.
  3. Streamlined Returns: A seamless return process optimised return tracking and stock correction by 15%.
  4. 24% Faster Deliveries: Advanced run sheets facilitated efficient product deliveries customer location.
  5. KoreCent’s advisory and delivery resulted in a more efficient and customer-centric operation, solidifying their position as a leading furniture provider in Western Australia.

Technologies and Tools

  1. Platform: ERPNext (Open-source Enterprise Resource Planning)
  2. Framework: Frappe (Full-stack web framework for ERPNext)
  3. Languages: Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript