Transportation, Logistics, Supply Chain and Storage

On Tracks of Success, Startrack

About Startrack

Startrack is a leader in transportation technology, offering a suite of solutions designed to streamline operations and boost efficiency for its clients. 


Challenge: Taming Complexity for Growth

Startrack sought to elevate their operations by implementing a comprehensive ERP system. Their key objectives were:

  1. Unified Business Management: A unified ERP solution to integrate all departments was crucial for streamlined workflows, improved visibility, and data-driven decision-making.
  2. Enhanced Efficiency: Reducing manual errors, streamlining internal processes, and automating tasks were essential for increased productivity and cost reduction.
  3. Improved Customer Service: real-time order tracking and improved transparency. 
  4. Accommodation of Unique Needs: Customization of the ERP system to seamlessly integrate with Startrack's existing tracking service and address their specific business processes.


The KoreCent Solution: A Customized Approach to Success

KoreCent built an end-to-end ERP system tailored to their specific requirements:

  1. Single Platform Integration: All departments were centralized on one platform, fostering real-time data exchange, streamlined workflows, and efficient resource allocation.
  2. Improved Customer Service: Real-time shipment tracking functionalities enhance the customer experience by providing transparent updates on order location and estimated delivery times.
  3. Enhanced Driver Safety: Integration with Startrack's tracking service, providing real-time data on vehicle location and status, is crucial for optimizing routes and ensuring road safety.


Achievements: A Road to Success

  1. Better Operational Efficiency: Integrated workflows, automated processes, and reduced manual errors led to an increase of 29% in productivity.
  2. Improved Decision-Making: Real-time data visibility empowered informed decisions on route optimization, fleet management, and overall business strategies, helping increase revenue by 15% in the next quarter.
  3. Elevated Customer Satisfaction: Enhanced transparency through real-time tracking and readily available information fostered stronger customer relationships.
  4. Enhanced Road Safety: Real-time fleet tracking functionalities empowered proactive measures to ensure driver safety and increased road safety by 27%.

KoreCent’s commitment to providing high-quality, tailored solutions exemplifies digital transformation and can help businesses in the transportation and logistics industries.


Technologies and tools

  1. Platform: ERPNext (open-source enterprise resource planning)
  2. Framework: Frappe (a full-stack web framework for ERPNext)
  3. Languages: Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript