Success story of
Mia Distribuidora

Reshaping distribution dynamics - Empowering Distribuidora's success

About our Customer

Distribuidora stands as a prominent figure in the distribution and retail sector, specifically specializing in the automotive parts industry. With a dedicated focus on offering a diverse range of car parts, accessories, and components, Distribuidora has establmished itself as a key player in the distribution landscape. Leveraging their extensive experience and expertise, the company serves as a vital link between manufacturers and retailers, catering to the needs of car enthusiasts, repair shops, and retail outlets.


Overcoming setbacks from a previous vendor

Before partnering with KoreCent, Distribuidora had encountered significant challenges with a previous vendor implementing the ERP system. The inadequacies and errors of the previous system resulted in substantial setbacks, both in terms of time and finances. This situation compelled Distribuidora to seek a more effective solution from a reliable partner to streamline its operations and restore its competitive edge in the distribution market.

The Solution

KoreCent's strategic approach to addressing Distribuidora's challenges involved a multi-faceted solution that combined a comprehensive Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation with the seamless integration of a Supplier Portal. This carefully designed solution aimed not only to rectify existing setbacks but also to empower Distribuidora's distribution operations beyond initial expectations.

1. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) Implementation:

KoreCent embarked on a meticulous process to implement an ERP system tailored to Distribuidora's specific needs. This encompassing solution addressed various operational aspects, streamlining processes, and enhancing efficiency across the organization. Key components of the ERP implementation included:

Systematic chart of accounts: KoreCent meticulously structured Distribuidora's chart of accounts, ensuring accurate financial tracking and reporting. This laid the foundation for informed decision-making and financial clarity.

Stock and inventory modules: By optimizing the stock and inventory management modules, KoreCent provided Distribuidora with real-time visibility into product levels. This enabled effective demand forecasting, minimized stockouts, and streamlined order fulfillment.

E-commerce storefront: KoreCent seamlessly enabled an ecommerce module, enabling Distribuidora to extend its reach into the online marketplace. This expansion opened up new avenues for revenue generation and customer engagement.

2. Supplier portal integration:

The Supplier Portal introduced a dynamic communication channel between Distribuidora and its suppliers, fostering collaboration, accuracy, and transparency in item pricing and stock management. The Supplier Portal's notable features included:

Item price management: Suppliers gained direct access to update item prices, ensuring accurate and up-to-date pricing information. This real-time pricing synchronization minimized discrepancies and enhanced customer satisfaction.

Stock quantity updates: The portal empowered suppliers to adjust stock quantities, facilitating precise inventory control. This feature eliminated inventory imbalances and potential overselling situations.

Efficient bulk updates: Suppliers with extensive product catalogs could efficiently update prices and stock quantities for all items in a single action. This streamlined process reduced administrative overhead and improved operational agility.

Excel upload functionality: Distribuidora's suppliers could leverage the Excel upload feature to make bulk updates swiftly and accurately. This facilitated seamless data entry and eliminated manual data input errors.

The combined implementation of the ERP system and Supplier Portal not only resolved Distribuidora's immediate challenges but also revolutionized its distribution operations.

The Achievements

The partnership between Distribuidora and KoreCent yielded remarkable achievements:

Operational Efficiency: The ERP implementation and Supplier Portal streamlined distribution operations, resulting in improved accuracy, reduced processing times, and enhanced overall efficiency.

Supplier Collaboration: The Supplier Portal fostered better communication and collaboration between Distribuidora and its suppliers, enabling seamless updates and adjustments.

Ecommerce Expansion: The newly developed ecommerce website facilitated online sales and expanded Distribuidora's customer base, opening new revenue streams.

Financial Clarity: The systematic setup of stock and account modules provided Distribuidora with a clear and structured financial framework, enabling better financial decision-making.

In conclusion, KoreCent's innovative approach to technology and its tailored solutions transformed Distribuidora's distribution operations, overcoming challenges and elevating the company's capabilities to new heights. The successful implementation of the ERP system and the Supplier Portal, coupled with strategic initiatives like the ecommerce website and enhanced financial management, positioned Distribuidora for sustained growth and success in the competitive distribution industry.

Technologies and Tools

Platform: ERPNext
Framework: Frappe
Language: Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Industry: Distribution

“KoreCent played a crucial role in turning our situation around. After facing significant setbacks with a previous vendor that resulted in both time and financial losses, KoreCent stepped in as a dependable savior. Their ERP implementation not only resolved our issues but also transformed our distribution operations beyond our initial expectations. The Supplier Portal has streamlined our interactions, optimizing our supply chain, while the E-commerce Website has elevated our customer experience. Their team's expertise, personalized solutions, and dedication to our success make KoreCent an invaluable partner. With a seamless transition and exceptional support, we confidently recommend KoreCent to businesses aiming for operational excellence.”
Iris Espinosa/Distribuidora Mia
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